
Maritime Cyprus 2023

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  • October 16, 2023

Maritime Cyprus 2023

The “Maritime Cyprus” Conference, a biennial event organized by the Shipping Deputy Ministry in collaboration with the Cyprus Shipping Chamber and the Cyprus Union of Shipowners, serves as a pivotal forum within the maritime sector. This prestigious exhibition not only facilitates invaluable networking opportunities but also fosters collaboration among industry stakeholders, featuring a comprehensive display of cutting-edge products, services, and solutions.

The event also encompasses a series of seminars that provide attendees with the most up-to-date industry insights and a glimpse into the future of the maritime domain.

One Tech Group, an industry leader, proudly participated in this year’s event, where it showcased its capabilities and innovations through an impressive booth. This engagement enabled Onetech Group to engage with a multitude of senior executives deeply embedded in the shipping industry, including ship owners and managers.