We provide all Security Services and Surveys, installation of security equipment and maintenance of all the related systems on vessels such as EPIRBs, SARTs, Anti-piracy systems, VDRs, GMDSS, LRIT, BNWAS, SSAS, SBMAs.
From thermographic inspections to Engine Monitoring and Control systems (EMC), power management system, switchboard and breaker systems, One Tech is able to design, implement and commission hardware and software for automation systems. Furthermore, we can supply all electrical parts and cables required to this end.
We provide propulsion services such as bonding of the stern tube seals, bow thruster seals, liner alignment. These services can be provided afloat or during drydock.
Our Engineers are certified, well trained and experienced to install, calibrate and maintain the ODME, bilge alarms 15PPM, Oil Mist Detectors and Oil Water Separators (OWS), survey, repair and retrofit anodes, ICCP and ICAF systems. We also plan, design, install and commission BWTS.
Crucial to safety, One Tech’s engineers ensure that communication systems – from SatCom equipment and radio systems, to software solutions – are unfailing, and always running effectively.
One Tech’s squad teams of mechanical engineers are available to tend to a variety of mechanical services, inclusive of main and auxiliary engine services, overhauls, endoscopic alignment, turbochargers repairs, welding, UTM, boiler and heat exchangers repairs.
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