Vessels trading the high seas simply keep the world moving. Two thirds of the world’s surface is sea water and quite simply 80% of the world’s trading goods are carried by ships of all designs.
They are mostly built of steel and rely on coatings to prevent the onset of severe corrosion which can, if not maintained, reduce the vessel’s lifespan dramatically and if ignored, can lead to costly steel replacement or downgrading by the insurers.
Our solvent-free, wet & rust tolerant range of marine coatings were designed with great flexibility; the main advantages being that any method of surface preparation, i.e. mechanical, HP and UHP water wash, dry or wet grit blasting can be utilised. There is also no requirement for ventilation or dehumidification; reduced H&S consideration and no fire hazards for storage or application.
Our unique range of marine coating systems have passed the most stringent IMO tests (uniquely on the rusty and wet & rusty steel) and have been approved by ABS and Lloyds for maintenance on new build (including on shop primed steel). They are also FDA approved for food and beverage, dry cargo and potable water.

Our unique range of coating systems consists of solvent-free, solvent & water-borne technology. They have been successfully utilised as a solution to a wide range of anti-corrosion problems across all industries: Industrial, Marine, Petrochemical, Power Generation, Offshore, Oil & Gas and Food & Beverage.
Our solvent-free, wet & rust tolerant range of coatings has over 15 years of successful track records and have truly revolutionised the coatings industry. Environmental concern and high costs of grit blasting has now forced the industry to move towards more environmentally friendly water blasting. Major cost savings can now also be achieved through the reduced equipment requirements and contract duration.
These are the coatings of the future; not only do they comply with Health & Safety and Environmental legislations, they surpass them. It is our aim to provide the industry with the most advanced coatings technology in the market, whilst extending service life, reducing environmental damage, maintenance and repair costs.